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Life West Launches ChiroEon Brand of Chiropractic Tools

ChiroEon brand available in the Life West Bookstore
  • August 13, 2024

Life West has soft-launched the ChiroEon brand to bring high-quality, yet affordable options for chiropractic tools

High-quality, yet affordable products and tools for the chiropractic field.

If you haven't seen them already, Life West has soft-launched a new brand of chiropractic products and tools called ChiroEon. As of today, Speeder Boards and Extremity Drops are available.  Later this year, the line will be expanding into additional products where we saw opportunity to match or improve the quality of similar products on the market, while providing a cost savings to our students, faculty and the industry as a whole.

Check them out. We'll give everyone an update later in the year as the line expands.




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