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Library Resources: Visible Body

  • March 6, 2025

Visible Body is an online database where you can view 3D models of anatomical structures and systems, physiology animations, pathology visualizations, premade flashcards and more!

Through the Learning Commons, it’s available for all Life West students and faculty. Visible Body is the perfect study tool and is also available as a mobile app.

To Access Online:

  • Go to lifewest.edu --> Click on "My Life West" at the top --> Scroll down and click on "Learning Commons" --> Click on "Library Services for Students"
  • On the right side column, click "Library Multimedia Resources"
  • Click the "Visible Body Suite" link
  • Sign in with Google and your Life West e-mail

Notable Features: Interactive 3D Models

Visible Body has a comprehensive 3D atlas of the human body. Visible Body makes it easy to see, add to, and dissect models. By clicking on a structure, an info box will appear and provide additional information.


Flashcards & Quizzes

Visible Body also provides premade flashcards that are great for studying. Go to your Visible Body Dashboard and go to the "Study" page. At the bottom on the page, click on "Get Premade Decks" There, you can find over 100 flashcard decks organized by topic!


Also under the "Study" page, there are quizzes organized by structures and topic (Human Anatomy, Muscles & Kinesiology, A&P, Physiology & Pathology, and Biology).

Be sure to take advantage of what the Library (Learning Commons) offers! If you have any questions, feel free to stop by. Good luck on finals! 😄📚


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