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Get Your EEC T-shirts

  • September 9, 2024

The Equity and Equality Council (EEC) is selling new t-shirts designed by co-president Connor Archer!The EEC is a student run organization designed to create a safe space for all at Life West by educating about various identities and abilities, and promoting the importance of diversity and inclusion. The EEC was selling shirts in Sid Square last week to raise awareness around Oakland Pride on Sunday September 8, but shirts can be purchased at any time for $25 by contacting either Renee Beneski (rbeneski@college.lifewest.edu) or Connor Archer (carcher@college.lifewest.edu). With enough interest, the EEC would like to order more shirts with expanded sizing!

For any other clothing needs beyond t-shirts, remember the EEC runs a free wardrobe on campus for all students and faculty, located across from the gym. 

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