Home » Current Children on Campus Policy

Current Children on Campus Policy

Life West strives to be an inclusive community that welcomes family, friends, and guests of all ages. Unfortunately, due to the Cal/OSHA COVID-19 safety requirements that the college must follow, we have had to change our policies allowing minor children on campus.

At this time children are not permitted on campus even for a brief period of time, regardless of an instructor’s or supervisor’s approval. The only time children may be on campus is for an appointment in the Health Center. Minor children must remain with their parent or guardian on the Health Center side of the campus or in the Health Center designated classrooms. Parents who are nursing may use the nursing rooms in the classroom side for that purpose.

We will let the campus community know of any changes to this policy as soon as we have updated guidance from Cal/OSHA.   If you have any questions, please contact Dani Lorta, Student Life at ext. 2610 or if you are an employee, Tarsha Addison at ext. 4020.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

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