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Bellevue Students: Celebrate Your Peers with the Give, Do, Love, Serve Awards!

  • November 4, 2024

Celebrate Your Peers with the Give, Do, Love, Serve Awards!

Hello Bellevue LifeWest Students!

We’re thrilled to introduce a special initiative that spotlights the incredible spirit of our student body: the Give, Do, Love, Serve Awards! These awards were created to recognize students who truly embody our core values—not only through their actions in class but also in how they uplift and support their peers.

Each quarter, we invite you to nominate fellow students who embody one of these values in meaningful ways:


The “Give” Award

This award is for students who are always there to help, selflessly giving their time, energy, or resources to support their classmates. Think of those who step up to tutor, share notes, or volunteer for events without expecting anything in return.

The “Do” Award

Do you know someone who excels at making things happen with care and humility? This award is for students who organize study groups, lead initiatives, and actively contribute to creating a positive campus environment.

The “Love” Award

This award celebrates those who love openly, from a place of joy and abundance. It’s for the students who check in on others, offer emotional support, and foster an inclusive space where everyone feels valued.

The “Serve” Award

Our Serve Award honors those who go beyond everyday acts of kindness, serving their peers with deep gratitude and respect. These students are often the first to volunteer, lend a helping hand, and support the community with selflessness.

How to Nominate

Starting NOW, we invite you to recognize the students around you who live out these values. You can submit your nominations HERE. Be specific—share examples of how your nominee embodies “Give, Do, Love, or Serve” through their actions. Let’s shine a light on their impact!

The awards will be announced during Seminar in week 8 each quarter, giving us all a moment to celebrate the unique contributions these students make to our community.

Why These Awards Matter

The Give, Do, Love, Serve Awards aren’t just about recognition; they’re about building a campus culture rooted in support, generosity, and respect. By honoring these values, we enrich the entire student experience and create a foundation of kindness that defines who we are.

Thank you for helping us celebrate these outstanding qualities in each other! Together, let’s make our campus a place where giving, doing, loving, and serving are at the heart of everything we do.

With love,

Stephanie Clarke
Life West @ Bellevue Student Council President

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